Saturday, June 28, 2008


So I went out to water the grass today and a funny thing happened.

Had to actually water the grass for two reasons. First, when we pulled out all of the bushes in the front of the house a couple had bled over to the side and instead of planting there we really just want to have the grass continue on that part. This means the hubby has been doing his "man" thing and putting down seed, fertilizer, nutrients and what all and that means we have to water it 3 times a day to get it going. FUN! Second, it has been pretty hot here and it has been a while since the last good rain so the lawn was starting to look a little dry.

Of course the girls ran out with me and wanted to help. I let Sydney take the sprayer first since she got to me first. After a minute I told her it was Savannah's turn and to give her the sprayer. When she turned to hand Savannah the hose she turned the hose too and ended up spraying Savannah. I laughed but Savannah did not find this amusing and promptly started to cry and yell sister insults (I hate you, you are the worst sister in the world and the like). Then she gets mad at me because I'm laughing and yells at me that it is not funny. "It is definitely NOT funny mom" she says in her five year old voice with the 15 year old attitude. After I finally get my laughter under control I tell her how Sydney didn't mean to do it and she loves the water anyway and a little water isn't going to hurt her and cajole her into coming over and taking the hose to do her share of the watering. At this point she is still sort of sniffling and I laugh again and tell her to quit being such a baby. She then proceeds to turn and spray me with the hose in a little fit of temper.

I wish I had a picture of her face right then. She got that "oh shit, what have I done" deer caught in the headlights look. I ruined it by laughing. Again. Then I snatched that hose from her and soaked her good! I felt like maybe I should punish her because it was kind of a bratty thing to do and I don't think her intention was to joke around I think she was just being pissy and did it like I said in a fit of temper. Then again, sometimes you just gotta laugh it off. I did explain to her that this time it was funny but in general you don't spray mommy with the hose. After that I let them get their bathing suits on and play in the sprinkler for a bit. They had a blast, as usual when they do anything involving water. The mystery is how Savannah ended up with 7 mosquito bites, while Sydney only has 1.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Bumpy Chip Breath

I had a late night snack attack last night and busted out some Ruffles and French onion dip to chomp on. When I went in the girls room to put in their second movie . . . yes, I put them to bed with the TV on. Bad mom! Never thought I'd do it but . . . for sanity's sake this is how it goes. They get in bed at 8:00 pm and they get to choose 2 DVDs from their vast collection to watch. They only get 2, and if they are too loud or come out of their bedroom for any unauthorized reason (potty and telling the movie is over are okay) then they get a "strike", 3 strikes and the TV goes off.

But anyway, I digress. When I went in to change to the second movie I gave them both a kiss and Sydney says "Mommy, why do you have bumpy chip breath?" They call Ruffles potato chips bumpy chips. I told her because I was eating bumpy chips. Seriously, I doubt I could tell someone had been eating Ruffles by their breath, especially since they weren't the flavored kind, but she could. No sour cream and onion, or sour cream and cheddar or BBQ, they were just the plain ones. Plus we rarely have potato chips in the house, it isn't like we eat these all the time. I am constantly amazed by the things they know. How did she know this?

She is a breath sniffing genius!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Baby Doll Names

We bought that DVD "The Jungle Book 2". The girls have been watching it as often as I will let them. I have almost never seen them watch a cartoon this much that does not include some type of princess or fairy. I'm glad to see them broadening their horizons. They seem to go through these phases. Like they will watch one movie non-stop for a week, then not touch it for a month, then watch it non-stop for another week. They do this with their toys too. Two weeks ago they played with their Barbie's for 3 days straight practically non-stop. They haven't touched them since.

This week seems to be the baby dolls. They each have a Cabbage Patch doll and then they each have one of those little twin dolls that come in a set. Since they have so many they pretend they have an orphanage. All of the dolls and their assorted clothes are scattered around the house now. The two main doll characters are going by the names of Shanti and Mowgli in honor of the Jungle Book 2 movie this week and they tend to break out in songs from the movie from time to time. Gotta love it.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Pigs eat Push-up pops

Today after lunch the girls wanted some push-up pops for dessert. Those are those ice creams you buy that are in cylinders and you push a stick up through the bottom to make the ice cream come up out of the cylinder on top. They love these, especially because right now Scooby-Doo is on the box.

So, they are eating their pops and Savannah says "Syd, guess if I'm a boy or a girl eating ice cream." She then sticks her tongue out very far and licks at the pop.

Sydney says "Girl."

Then Savannah says "Who am I now?" She then opens her mouth very wide and pretends to bite the pop.

Sydney says "Boy."

I busted up laughing and asked "So girls lick their ice cream and boys bite theirs, that is the rule?"

They both reply "Yes, it is in the rule book."

All righty then.

"The rule book we made in our room mom," Sydney says.


Then Savannah makes a slurping noise while eating her pop and Sydney says "What are you now, a pig?"

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Toenail Saga Take 2

The last couple of days my recently doctored toe (see previous post) has been looking a little red and not right. Today I called my Primary Care Manager to get an appointment since I knew there was an ice cubes chance in hell of me getting an appointment with the Podiatrist within the next decade and my toe would fall off before I could see them so . . . the PCM got me in at 12:45. I hate calling the appointment line because every single time you have to give them soo much information and the worst part is you know it is on the computer right in front of them once you give your name but instead of just asking if your information has changed they make you recite it all back to them. I know all the questions they ask by heart and could just blurt it all out as soon as they answer, but that seems rude so I try to patiently go through it all even though I feel like I could choke them through the phone line! Here it is: Last Name (spell it because ours has a different spelling), First Name (spell it too because no one ever spells it right), Yes the appointment is for myself, Hubby's SSN last 4, Home address (including city and zip since they handle a large area of patients), and phone number then you tell them why you need the appointment.

So, they confirm the time and then add on that "no children are allowed." Seriously? Now you have to understand that I'm not going here for some gynecological exam or surgery. The doctor is going to come in the room, look at my toe for maybe 5 seconds tell me he will put in a prescription for some antibiotics, confirm that I have no known allergies and leave. Total time if he is not the chatty type is about 3 minutes. For this I should hunt up a babysitter to pay for 2 hours (adding in my drive and wait time), I think not. Also understand that this is a military facility. They know that most of us move every couple years, probably do not live near family, and our husbands are on ships and not able to just run home so we can hit the doctors office. Add to this that I am a stay at home mom with very few friends, no daycare, and my kids aren't in school yet. Gee, guess what? I'm totally blowing this rule off. And if anyone dares say a word to me about bringing my kids they are going to get an earful trust me on that! Luckily no one said anything, and in fact the doctor even commented on how well behaved my girls were (thank goodness).

BUT . . . just so my life isn't too easy the pharmacy at my regular clinic is closed so I have to go to another base I've never been to on the other side of the next town to fill my prescription. Oh the joy.

Local news watchers we aren't

The other night when I was letting the dog out for his evening business I noticed that it looked foggy. Foggy, here, in June, hmmm? Then I realized it smelled smokey, like something was on fire. So, I told the hubby "something is on fire outside" and he went to check it out. After making a circuit of the house and garage to be sure it wasn't us somehow he looked up and down the street and reported back that he couldn't see anything and we went on with our evening.

The next day at a playdate a fellow mom brought up "Hey, did you see all that smoke last night?" I said we did and wondered what it was. According to her there were fires or a large fire 100 miles south of us and the way the wind was blowing we were getting smoke from that. Hubby confirmed it that evening. WEIRD! It has happened a few evenings since then so I assume the fire/fires are still burning. I have no real confirmation of this because lately hubby and I watch movies or he plays XBOX since there are no shows on we watch right now so we never see the loocal news. Yea, we are a couple of party animals right?

Monday, June 16, 2008

Missing Toddler Simplicity

I was watching a TV program where the main mom character who has a teen and a tween made this comment: "I miss the simplicity of toddler hood". It got me thinking that I kind of missed it too. Most days now I feel like I am happy to be in this stage of Pre-school/soon to be starting Kindergarten. But I also see that I always tend to think things will be better when . . . fill in the blank.

Things will be better when: they start school, they are both potty trained through the night, my husband finishes this next deployment, my darn toe heals, etc., etc.

And it seems that this has been an ongoing thing. When they are born you think, things will be better when they sleep through the night, then when that happens you think, things will be better when they start eating real food. Then when that happens you think, things will be better when they can walk, then talk, then communicate better, then on and on until one day they are going to be moving out and I'll be remembering when. . . Remembering when they were so cute as little babies, when they couldn't run around making mess after mess, when they couldn't tell me NO. Even now I find myself already telling new twin mom's in my support group to enjoy this time while they are young because while certain things get easier certain other things get harder. Which means there is no "perfect" age.

I am not usually one to get caught up and sorrowful about how fast they are growing up because I am usually just trying to get through today but sometimes it is a good thing to sort of stop and smell the roses. Because I am already looking ahead and it is scary. Today we went shopping and my girls love to shop. Right now they are good about me saying "no we aren't going to buy that today" but I can see the future. Me with two teenagers, the pouting, the rolling eyes, the begging, the serious shopping.


Tougher times are coming, and I need to enjoy this time while I can.

I'm really gonna try.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Lazy mom, that's me

Today was just one of those days where I felt like doing nothing at all. My toe is still throbbing a little if I stand too long so all I wanted to do all day was sit on the couch with it propped up and read a book. So I did.

The unfortunate part of this scenario is that I still have my 5 year old twins to keep up with. Luckily today they actually played on their own for more than 15 minutes. They decided first thing this morning that they wanted to get out their dress up stuff and play with it. Believe me when I tell you that they probably have more dress up stuff than any other kids on earth. They have a rack crammed with costumes in their closet, everything from Barbie Fairytopia to pretty much every Disney Princess to a real "wedding gown" that Grandma passed on from a flower girl who was in a wedding. They also have many, many, many assorted shoes, slippers, scarves, veils, hats, and jewelry that we keep in one of those large gray Rubbermaid container boxes you get at Wal-Mart.

So that was great and it kept them entertained pretty much all day. From my perch on the couch I could hear them deciding what to wear with what and they even put on several little mini plays for me. When my hubby came home this afternoon and went past their room to say hello I heard his exclamation about their room and he came right back out to tell me the good news. Their room was officially a disaster area. While I had pretty much assumed that it would be a big mess, even I was unprepared for the full scale riot that had taken place.

There was not a single square inch of floor to be seen! The gray box was completely empty, every dress from the closet was now on the floor, even the bottom bunk bed could hardly be seen. So then we had to have an hour long cleaning session. But the sad part is that I feel it was totally worth it because they were out of my hair and entertaining themselves (without the tv)pretty much all day.

Monday, June 09, 2008

The Toenail Saga

Today finally marked the end of my toenail saga. I've had trouble with ingrown toenails for years. About 9 or 10 years ago I had to have one cut out and they put some acid on it so that the nail would not grow in again. Since then I have had an issue on and off with the other foot having the same problem but I have put off doing anything because it wasn't too bad. Well, about two months ago it finally got bad enough that I decided I had to do something.

So I sucked it up and made an appointment with my PCM (Primary Care Provider) because I have to see him and get a referral before I can go to the actual Podiatrist, even though I already know what needs to be done due to my prior experience. This, in itself, is a problem because, as usual hubby is out of town and I have no one to watch my girls. Well, okay, I have a couple people I could ask but the real problem is me. I hate to ask anyone for anything! HATE IT! I have some inborn issue with asking for any kind of help I can't seem to help it. So in this instance since I knew the PCM would just look at me, possibly give me some meds to keep infection at bay and give me a referral I decided to just bring the girls with me. The nurses all fawned all over them and one even suggested I should start modeling them. It actually went pretty well except for the delay at the pharmacy because for some reason they have me entered in the computer system as my husbands child instead of his wife which causes confusion all around. Frankly, I was not impressed with my PCM (this was my first time seeing him). Is it just me or are there an inordinate amount of doctors from India all over lately? Anywho, I could just barely understand his accent but what really threw me off was that he saw me for like 2 minutes total and I am not even exaggerating. He came in, confirmed that it was my toe. Barely looked at the toe in question and in fact sort of looked afraid to get near it, which was fine with me but seemed a little weird for a doctor. He says he will write me a scrip for some antibiotics and put in the referral and was gone. Of course, when I got to the pharmacy the prescription wasn't entered so I had to go back and then when I called about the referral it was not entered so I had to call back and prod them about that. Finally the referral showed up and I called for an appointment and they had no openings for a month. Great!

The good part is that the Podiatry referral was to the Navy Hospital which has a child care drop off center you can use for appointments. Now one of my friends told me they never answer the phone and it was impossible to get your kids in, but I had no problems. The only problem I ran into with this was that I did not realize that they would need a shot record until Friday afternoon when the Pediatrician's office was already closed. I have one of those little record books that you are supposed to record all the kids shots in, but I have forgotten to bring it several times, so it is not complete and when I took them to get their most recent shots the pediatricians office just filled them in on the school physical form that I needed to enroll them in Kindergarten for the fall which I then took to the school and forgot to make a copy of. Dummy, dummy, dummy! So I spent most of last night tossing and turning hoping that I would have time to run into the Pediatricians office (which doesn't even open until 9 am) this morning before dropping the girls off at the child care place and still making my appointment (which was across town at 10 am) and hoping that they would not give me a hard time about needing a shot record ASAP on a Monday morning. So far I love the pediatricians office and today was no exception. They accommodated me without even a grumble.

Today was finally the day of my appointment. I left the house and headed toward the Pediatricians. Called them on the way and asked for a copy of the shot records. Stopped and picked the shot records up. Hightailed it across the bridge, through the tunnel, and over to the Hospital. Had to drive through the entire parking garage and ended up parking on the top level. Shuffled the girls down to the child care center, checked them in in record time and practically ran next door to the hospital. Made it to the podiatry clinic by 10:03. Whoo Hoo! Next I started worrying if my toe was infected because this is what happened last time I had to do this when we lived in Hawaii.

That time the antibiotics had worn off and the toe was infected and they said they couldn't cut the nail out with it infected which made me have to come back the day I was flying to California to get it done. Then they wrapped my toe so huge that I couldn't wear shoes and I ended up having to don one of those boots for when you have a broken foot and wear that on the plane. But that is a whole other saga.

Luckily, when I got in there everything was go for the procedure. The doctor was a super nice guy, and not from India. Now the most painful part of this whole procedure is the shot they give you to numb the toe so you won't feel them cutting out the nail. It seriously feels like the needle is going to go through your toe and come out the other side and when they release the numbing stuff it feels like there are 5 or 6 needles stuck in you. After that it is all easy. Well, except for having to listen to the doctor's bad foot puns, but hey it's worth it to get this done. Over. Yeah!

Friday, June 06, 2008

Hubby's week off

Hubby surprised us by unexpectedly taking the week off. He just finished some really big inspection that they pretty much aced so he was able to get the time off. He even set up a friend to watch the kids so we could go out and catch a movie and dinner on our anniversary. June 3rd marked 13 years of wedded bliss for us. Wow!

Then Thursday we took the girls and headed out to Water Country USA. Water Country USA is a water park that is part of the Busch Gardens group of parks. Be thought about going to Busch Gardens first, but the girls are still a little too small to ride a bunch of the rides, which would probably bum them out since they are such little dare-devils. Plus they love, love, love the water. We figured this week would be the perfect time to go since the weather has been so nice and school's here aren't out yet so it wouldn't be too crowded. We almost didn't go because Savannah had a little bit of a runny nose and I thought she might be getting sick and poop out, but I am sooo glad that we decided to go. We all had a great time. Savannah said "This is the best day ever" like 5 times during the day. They could do all the rides except maybe 1 or 2 so we were busy. There weren't that many people and no lines at all, we might have waited like 5 minutes a few times and that was it. There were signs posted that said "Wait time 1 hour from this point" on several rides, so I know that in the summer they must be packed but we had no lines. In fact my knee started to feel a little wobbly from climbing so many stairs so fast and my legs have been sore for 2 days now from it! Ha, Ha, must be getting old!

Thursday super hubby decided to tackle a project we have been talking about but I have been dreading. He started to pull out all the bushes in front of our house. Ugghh! We have a row of hedges (about 6) right in front of our house under the living room windows that line the sidewalk going to the front door. They are nice and green, but very dense and have grown too high so they stick up in front of the windows. Then when you cut them back they look terrible and all stickish so we have been discussing taking them out for several months. Then on the other side of the front door are more bushes (7 or 8) that are just out of control and are just too big to prune down to manageable at this point. The older lady next door has lived here for about 35 years and said these bushes have been here that long so that is some history. I have to say this job was a b-i-t-c-h and I didn't even do any of the real work. He ended up having to partially dig them up and cut the main roots then attach a rope to the bush and his truck bumper and yank them out. It already looks so much better even though it is all dug up dirt. I am pretty excited to make an actual border/flower bed in these spots. Well, except for the actual work involved that will require me to sweat and toil in the summer sun. Sigh. Maybe I never should have mentioned this to hubby. Too late for that. I'll be off to the local garden center tomorrow to figure out what to plant since I have no gardening know how at all. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Biker Babes

As usual Savannah is in Pink and Sydney is in Purple as they show off their new bikes.

Monday, June 02, 2008

The tortoise and the hare

We finally got the girls new bikes. Not just any old bikes but the Disney Princess bikes with the butterfly wheel inserts, pink and purple handlebar tassels, and a special bag attached to the handlebars for their snacks and water bottles. Then, of course, we had to also buy helmets, elbow pads, and knee pads. It still astonishes me the amount of protective gear kids are required to wear these days. Back in my day we didn't wear no stinkin helmets. My dad is fond of saying that this is how we weeded out the idiots. Because, lets face it, whoever was stupid enough to try something that would crack their head open was someone we probably didn't need in our society anyway. But anyhoo, buy them we did, because now most cities require them to be worn.

We also purchased a little playhouse for them because we have been promising them we would. They really wanted a Tree House, but we talked them into the plastic Little Tykes school/fire house that will stay firmly on the ground. It is pretty cute and on the back there is a little mini basketball hoop and soccer/hockey goal.

Then we decided that since we had gotten them new bikes, we should also get new bikes so that we can actually bike with them. Novel idea huh? We found some bikes they label "cruisers" for us. They have those old fashioned handlebars that go up high and a huge padded seat for our large asses, perfect.

Both of the girls took right to their bikes like they had been riding all winter. I thought they might take a bit to get the hang of it again (they are still on training wheels) but no. Biking is one of those activities where their differences really stand out. Savannah gets on her bike and rides hell bent for leather as fast as she can. Even when they were younger and were just learning to ride she HAD to be in front. One day when she was about 3 1/2 she fell off her bike on the sidewalk and instead of getting up she laid down across the sidewalk to block Sydney because she did not want her to pass her. Sydney, on the other hand, is what we would refer to as a "Sunday Driver". She just barely rolls along singin a song to herself and looking at the scenery.
Even I cannot ride behind her and I am not that great on a bike. I find myself riding in the street and circling back to check on her because I physically cannot ride that slow. It is like riding with the tortoise and the hare.