Oh, it has been a busy couple days. Friday at the girls school they had a "Just Say No to Drugs" parade. What this has to do with wearing fairytale and nursery rhyme costumes I have no idea. I think whoever came up with this idea was on drugs themselves. Right after the parade Syndey's class was having their "Fall Celebration" (everything has to be so p.c. these days). So Sydney's teacher asked another mother and I to come and help the kids get into their costumes for the parade and then help set up the party. They had cupcakes, chips, and juice boxes, oh my. The teacher had even made little grab bags for them to take home at the end of the day (more candy, just what they need, but also a little straw and toy of some sort). I felt kind of bad because Savannah's class didn't have a party, but I guess they had a birthday, so she got a little grab bag too and they had cupcakes so it worked out okay.
On the way home we went by the house on the corner that the couple who have fallen in love with the girls lives and the man was outside carving their pumpkin. Of course the girls stopped to talk to him and he showed them the pumpkin guts. See they had been asking me what was inside the pumpkins earlier, but since we just had stick in pieces for our pumpkins and didn't carve ours they couldn't see, so I was glad this worked out so well. He told them to be sure and come to their house when we were trick-or-treating later and that was all they could talk about the rest of the way home.