A package arrived today and the girls brought it in to the kitchen all excited. They were wondering if it was for them and I heard hubby telling them that it must be for mommy. Well, I knew I hadn't ordered anything so I asked hubby if he had ordered something and he got the gleam in his eye that told me he was up to something. I knew then he must have ordered something FOR me. He whipped out his knife lickety split and went about opening the package like a kid at Christmas and lo and behold what should it be, but a GPS for the van!
You see, he has been wanting to get one, but I've been putting him off because we don't really need it and I know once we do get one we will be completely addicted. Plus I am one of those people who get "lost" and that is how I really learn my way around somewhere and as much as we move I am lost a lot! He suggested it again when I started planning a trip half way across the country and back this summer, but I put him off again . . . or so I thought.
I have been waffling though, and considering that I might actually like to have a GPS for this trip, of course I would not admit this to hubby.
Off now to figure out the GPS.
Good thing my hubby knows me better than I do.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Locks of Love Haircut

Well they finally did it! I've been trying to talk my girls into donating to Locks of Love for about a year and a half now and today was finally the day. Several friends daughters and one good friend herself has done this and I have been wanting the girls to do it for a while now. The reason is twofold.
1. While I love my babies and think they are beautiful they have, unfortunately, inherited my hair. This means that it is super thin, super fine, and has a tendency to look stringy. It also tangles very easily, especially Sydney's for some reason, even though she and Savannah have pretty much the same hair. Also, since we are going to be in the pool everyday while we visit Nana for the next 3 weeks, it would be easier.
2. Locks of Love is a great cause, nuff said.
So, I've been suggesting they cut their hair for a while, but their response is always "NEVER"! They are pretty girly and believe that true girls (not like mom) must have long hair. Well about 4 or so months ago their little friend Purple Savannah, (they call her that to differentiate from "regular" (our) Savannah, cut her hair. She is 5 and got the scissors out one day and cut her hair. She actually did a pretty good job and they just had to even it out a little in the back. At this point I had a serious talk with my girls about proper scissor use and they assured me that they would never cut their hair.
Well the other day we had Purple Savannah and her family over for a BBQ. Hubby, knowing that I had been talking up getting their hair cut and not liking to mess with their hair anyway started talking up how cute Purple Savannah's hair was. At first the girls were still not having it and said that, while her hair was cute, they wouldn't cut theirs. After a few hours of Hubby badgering them about it Sydney finally says "I want to cut my hair." WHA ????? At this point hubby is running for the scissors and ready to chop it off then and there but I told him that we needed to be sure she wanted to do this and wasn't just saying that in front of people and that we would take her to a salon and get it done. Savannah still was not on board with this.
So when Sydney woke up this morning I asked her if she still wanted to cut her hair and she said "Yes, let's go." Meanwhile, Savannah woke up complaining that her ear was hurting, which is usually a sign of an ear infection and with all the time we have spent at the pool at the Y between swim lessons and just playing in the swimming pool I thought we should hit the doctor before we went on this trip halfway across the country we are leaving on in 3 days. So I called the doctor and they could get her in this afternoon, so we set out to get Sydney's hair cut and then take Savannah to the doctor.
When we get to the hair cut place Sydney is still excited and Savannah is very nervous for her. Being the good mom I am I ask her several more times if she is sure she wants to do this because nobody will make her . . . and she can still change her mind . . . and she doesn't just want to do it because daddy and I say it will be cute . . . etc. She is still hyped so in we go. Sydney is a trooper. Doesn't get phased when they cut the pony tail off, doesn't get upset when she holds it up for a picture or anything. While the lady is evening it out and cutting the bangs Savannah is watching and crying! So sweet, but so sad. When I ask her what is wrong she says that she didn't want Sydney to cut her hair because now they won't look alike. My heart, my heart is just squeezing so tight then. Up to this point I had been fine but now I tear up a little because it is a big step. These two little girls have done EVERYTHING together for the last 6 1/2 years and for one to go and do something so major without the other just makes it come slamming home - they are going to grow up! I try to tell Savannah that she should be happy because this is what Sydney wanted to do and so she should be happy for her and she tries but I can tell she is still upset. But now we have to rush out to get to Savannah's doctor's appointment, so off we go.
The whole time we are at the doctor's Sydney is flipping her hair around and saying how much she loves it. Plus there is a mirror in the waiting room so they are both checking out Sydney's hair and Savannah starts thinking she may want to cut hers. The good news is that she does not have an ear infection and they even check for strep and nothing. So, no idea why the ear was hurting but she's not sick so . . . great. After the doctor's office we ran by the game store to pick up the new Wii Resort hubby had pre-ordered, and Savannah is saying she thinks she wants to cut her hair but she is still a little shaky, and then we are back at the hair cut place.
Savannah still seems a little shaky. So, I do the whole spiel about how she doesn't have to cut it . . . nobody will make her . . . she should do it because she wants to . . . not to do it for daddy or mommy or Sydney (because I'm pretty sure that this is her major motivation: to look like Sydney). She still says she wants to do it though, so back in we go. When we walk in the door the ladies at the hair cut store laugh and say that they knew we would be back. Savannah does really well through the hair cut and seems happy afterwards. Meanwhile Sydney sweet talks one of the ladies into giving her a pretty pink comb and then also convinces her to give her one for Savannah too. Then when we went to the vet to pick up food for Josie the cat they told them they had given their hair to Locks of Love and scored balloons. Then I took them to the dollar store to get a new hair item and got ice cream at Dairy Queen so they had quite a day.
Right after bedtime Sydney brought out a broken headband (one of her new ones) and what she was doing with it in her bed when she took it off and put it away before bed I don't know. Then when Savannah came out to potty she was commenting that there were not as many hairstyles to do with short hair.
So . . . wish me luck!
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