We took a little family excursion to the mall today. The girls wrote their letters to Santa last week and have been very anxious to mail them to Santa. So we went over to one of the malls to look around and to mail their letters to Santa. The mall Santa area did not have a mailbox though! Oh no! So hubby asked if they would like to give their letters directly to Santa since he was there talking to kids and getting pictures taken with them. This was met with much resistance, which he could not understand. Finally they explained it to us. According to them they saw in a movie that the mall Santa's are not real. They went on to explain that Santa would be much to busy in the North Pole getting ready for Christmas to be at our mall taking pictures. So they had to take their letters to the special Santa Mailbox to get it directly to him. So hubby asked the mall Santa "elves" if there was a mailbox anywhere and they told him that when they get letters to Santa they take them to the box at Macy's. So we had to traipse to the other side of the mall and all over Macy's to find the special mailbox. We finally found it, in men's fragrances (how is men's fragrances the sensible place to put the Santa mailbox?). Later, over lunch, Sydney told me that she was so glad not to have to worry about the letter anymore, she was so relieved that now she can relax. Evidently they were pretty stressed about this!