Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Terrible Two's

I've never really bought into the whole terrible two's theory myself, however, lately I have begun to question my thinking. My girls are now 2 years 5 months and the last month has been trying my sanity. Savannah has started waking up in the middle of the night when she usually sleeps really well. She will wake up and then doesn't want me to leave the room and wants to go to bed with Joey & I. That has been a little trying, but at least it isn't every night. It only happens 2 or 3 nights a week. Along with this both the girls have started this whiney, clingy thing. This really annoys me! They are also really bossy all of the sudden, even with me. This I find minorly annoying and actually find it rather funny most of the time.

But enough about the bad stuff, there is a lot of good stuff too. Like how cute they are when they are being little mothers with each other or their teddy bears. They have to cover their teddy bears up and give them a pillow and turn off the lights so they can go night night. There is more but I guess it will have to wait because right now they are demanding my attention.

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