Friday, November 04, 2005
Today when I picked up the girls from day care they wanted to "go to a store" like they always do. I needed a couple things so we went to Wal-Mart. They were actually pretty good and when we were in the check out line they saw the candy and started looking at it. I pointed out their favorite (mini M & M's in the little tube) and Sydney said "can I have one?" I said okay and she said "Nana too?" (she is always so good to look out for her sister) and I said yes. Then Savannah pipes up and says "you're the best mom". It was soo adorable and when Sydney said it too I got a little teary. They can be such sweethearts.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Rough Week
It all started last Thursday when I picked up the girls from Mom's day out. Sydney woke up from her nap crying, which she never does, so I knew she wasn't feeling well. When we got home she had a fever and all she wanted to do was cuddle with me. Joey got completely freaked about the fever, so much so that he went out to buy a new thermometer so he could take a rectal temp. We had one of those digital ear thermometers that we bought before the girls were born and they suck, total crap, never buy one. You can take a temperature and usually you know it is way too low. Take it 2 seconds later and 10 degree difference, take it 2 seconds later and still a huge difference, so every time we have had to use it (which thankfully we have been lucky that the girls haven't been sick often so we haven't really had to use it much) but we say we are going to throw it out. I was worried about the fever too of course, but not freaked like him. Anyway, it was a little high but not freak out high. She had the fever about 24-36 hours and it was so pathetic to hear her say "I wanna go nite-nite" in that sick little voice. When the fever broke her nose started running like a faucet, seriously, I think all I did Saturday was wipe her nose. So much for any fun on the weekend. So then, as often happens with twins, Savannah started. Monday night she had a fever and even threw up, although I think she only threw up because I gave her medicine on an empty stomach, whoops! Normally they go to mom's day out on Tuesday's and Thursday's but not this week and of course I had plans both days. I was supposed to get together Tuesday with a friend to work on club business for my Mother's of Multiples group and Thursday I had a hair appointment, doctor's appointment and that night was my club mom's night out which I missed to because my husband got sent out of town for work Wednesday morning leaving me alone with two sick kids for who knows how long, great! Friday Sydney started feeling better and Savannah's fever finally broke right when I was truly starting to worry. She had practically slept for 3 days and whenever I asked if she wanted anything she just said "no thank you" in that sad little sick voice. Well now Savannah is in the "nose running like a faucet" phase. Of course it wasn't great timing that Friday we also ran out of milk, Kleenex, and diapers (well, 4 left), so today I had to go out to get essentials with Savannah still not feeling well. To top off my day, I had schedule the cable guy to come and finally install high speed internet because I thought my hubby would be home by then and so I had to wait on him before I could even go to the store. Then to really make me feel like shit I forgot to call one of my best friends and tell her I wasn't going to make it to her baby shower, so she called about 20 minutes after the shower was supposed to start saying they were waiting on me! Calgon take me away! Tonight I put the girls to bed at 8:00 pm (their normal time) but Sydney didn't want to go to bed. Well normally I would have let her stay up a little longer, but I was beat and just needed some down time (or is this venting time?) so I put her down anyway and she screamed "I don't wanna go nite-nite" for about 10 minutes. Now 10 minutes may not sound like much to some people but my girls are usually pretty good about going to bed (knock on wood) so it was strange. All I can say is thank god my mother is coming on Tuesday, I plan on really abusing her this visit!
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
I'm not bad!
I don't think I ever mentioned this before but when the girls first started talking in sentences Sydney's most used phrase was "I'm not bad!" I don't really think I said she was "bad" or being bad but a few times but she just picked up on it. So it got to the point that she would just say "I'm not bad" as soon as you started scolding her even if you didn't say bad. Because she was saying this so often I really made an effort not to say "bad" so I started saying "That's not appropriate" when they did anything wrong. So as you can imagine, with 2 girls who are 2 1/2 I say "that's not appropriate" quite a bit. The other night we were over at a friends house hanging out and Joey was teasing the girls and Savannah told him "That's not appropriate". It was hilarious! Out of the mouths of babes.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
My Babies Started Mom's Day Out
Tuesday my girls started a mom's day out program. That means they go to a day care twice a week for 4 or 5 hours. I wasn't really worried about it. I am not the type to be all sentimental and gushy but I have to say I got a funny little tickle in the pit of my stomach when I left them. They were a little nervous and hanging on my legs when we first went in the classroom, but they were just serving the morning snack so I sat them down at a table and as soon as the apple juice was in front of them they were fine. They didn't even cry when I left which both relieved me and disappointed me in a strange way. The house was so quiet that it made me nervous, I never used to care about that. It was really nice to run errands and get some stuff done at home in a timely manner though.
Friday, July 29, 2005
More on Annie
I have already expounded on the dangers of Annie in a previous blog, but now I have to tell you about the adorable (almost on the verge of annoying) part. My girls LOVE Annie. If they had their way we would watch it at least 3 times a day every day but there is no way I could take that so we watch it slightly less. The other evening after watching Annie (which they begged to watch again immediately) they decided they would just put on their own Annie performance. Now remember they are only 2 1/2 so their Annie performance mainly consisted of singing the line "tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow. You're only a day away" from the song Tomorrow over and over. They also sing the line "dumb dog, why are you following me?" from the Dumb Dog song over and over. Then they proceed to pretend our dog Ferris (a beagle) is Sandy (the dog in the movie) so they call him and drag him around by the collar calling him Sandy. Believe me it is all very cute, but after about an hour of the same two lines of a song it can become wearing and the dog just wants to lay down. So I was in the middle of making dinner and decided to call their Nana to let her hear them sing for a while. Usually when you put them on the phone they don't talk much, just answer yes, no, and say I love you but that night I told them to sing and boy did they ever sing. Over and over and over and over, until I'm sure even Nana was getting a little bored with it. Then Nana put Paw-Paw (grandpa) on the phone and they sang for him, then Joey called his mom and they sang for her, then he called his dad and they sang for him and his wife. I still can't believe how long they kept singing the same two lines and that night in the middle of the night one of them was singing it in her sleep! Needless to say I went out and bought the Barbie Fairytopia video yesterday just so I wouldn't have to watch Annie again.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Mud Babies
It's been raining in my neck of the woods the last couple of days so when we went over to a friends to BBQ I knew my girls and their almost 3 year old girl would probably be playing in the mud but I had no idea just how much fun it would be. They started out making mud pies in the planter surrounding the tree in the front yard. Well the 3 year old is totally into being naked so when she took her shirt off my girls had to follow suit. They immediately proceeded to rub mud all over their bellies and then they rubbed mud on each others backs. From there a mud flinging contest was started, which turned into the three of them chasing each other around the tree with mud. Once they wore each other out doing that they discovered the big rain puddle at the end of the driveway. At this point Jenna stripped down totally and the girls again followed suit. That was fine for Savannah who just had a little pee-pee in her diaper, but we soon realized Sydney had poo-poo. Luckily we caught it before any mess ensued and were able to rinse her off and confiscate the diaper. While we were busy doing that Savannah was dunking her diaper in the water and soaking up so much water that the diaper became a huge sopping ball. She and Jenna then proceeded to put their wet shorts, Jenna's undies, and Savannah's diaper in the mailbox. I feel sorry for their mail man.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
The Dangers of "Annie"
I recently purchased the movie Annie for my girls. I remember loving this movie as a kid and I knew there was a lot of singing and dancing in it, which they love. As expected they love it and want to watch it all the time. They have even started singing some of the songs on their own, like in the back of the van when we are driving somewhere. The other day though I discovered a down side to Annie. My girls have started telling each other to "Shut Up". Now this is not something I say ever (not because I'm super mom and don't ever yell or anything, just because it's not something I really have to say . . . yet.) So I'm racking my brain about where they could of picked this up when I realize it was Annie. It really is a sweet and cute movie and I love Carol Burnett playing the drunken Ms. Haddigan who oversees the orphanage, however, she does yell at the kids several times in the movie to "Shut Up" and this is where my girls picked it up. So now I'm having the discussion about not being ugly to each other but frankly there are a lot worse things they could have picked up so oh well. We will continue to watch Annie.
Car Accident
Savannah got run over, well, not by a real car. The other evening we took the girls over to a friend of ours to hang out. They have a little girl (Jenna) who turns 3 in September, so it is fun to get them all together to play. A month or so ago Jenna got one of those little motorized kid cars that can go about 3 miles an hour. It is a really cute Volkswagen Bug one. She is really good in it already, she cruises all around their culdesac and up on the sidewalks and everything. Whenever we go over the girls take turns riding with her (it only fits 2 kids at a time). They are so cute! So, Savannah was watching Sydney ride with Jenna and we were sitting in the yard chatting when all of the sudden Joey goes "oh shit" and jumps up running down the sidewalk. My view was blocked by the neighbors' RV, but when I ducked down to look under it and see what was going on I could see Joey lifting up the car and Savannah was under it! AAGGHH! Jenna and Sydney had run over Savannah! The thing that really scared me was that she wasn't even crying. Once Joey picked her up she started crying and she had a few small scrapes but otherwise she was fine. Thank goodness! I know it wasn't on purpose, I think Sydney and Jenna cried more than Savannah. So that was the girls first car accident.
Friday, July 01, 2005
Baby Dolls
Just the last couple of weeks my almost 2 1/2 year old twin girls have started being little mommies. First they started wanting me to tuck in their teddy bears at night when I tucked them in. Then they would bring their teddy bears down to the living room with them and lay them down on the couch, cover them up, turn off the lights and say "Shhh! Nap time." Next they even started wanting to make Lego beds for their little plastic Care Bear figurines and use washclothes as blankets for them to go "night night". At this point I decided maybe we should get some baby dolls. Nana had bought them Cabbage Patch dolls around Christmas, however they are kinda big for a 2 1/2 year old to play baby doll with so off to Toys R Us we went. I couldn't believe the number of dolls available and I immediately became overwhelmed and the girls just started grabbing everything. One thing I found strange was that none of the smaller dolls had clothes you could buy seperate for them only the larger (read: bigger than I wanted) dolls had different outfits you could buy. So we ended up not buying anything there, I figured I'd check out Wal-Mart and compare prices.
Well, the next day we went over to a friends house who has boy/girl twins the same age as mine for a play date. Sure enough the little girl had a dolly and upon discussion with her mom I found that she had seen the same problem with the dolls not having extra clothes. She suggested the Fisher Price doll as the one she thought was the best. The whole time we were there Sydney monopolized the dolly and was upset when we had to leave it behind. So, off we went to Wal-Mart on the way home. They had the Fisher Price doll and they even had two that came in a set as twins. Perfect. That very night the girls wanted to bring the baby dolls to the table to eat dinner with them, which I do not allow for many reasons, but my girls were adamant that they had to have their dolly's so we compromised by letting them bring the chairs from their children's table into the dining room so that the dolly's could sit next to them. So now I'm tripping over what seems like a million chairs in our already small dining room, but the girls are so cute with those baby dolls . . . feeding them bottles, sharing their food, shopping with them in their little play shopping cart . . . that it makes me remember that they are already growing up so fast and this too shall pass.
Well, the next day we went over to a friends house who has boy/girl twins the same age as mine for a play date. Sure enough the little girl had a dolly and upon discussion with her mom I found that she had seen the same problem with the dolls not having extra clothes. She suggested the Fisher Price doll as the one she thought was the best. The whole time we were there Sydney monopolized the dolly and was upset when we had to leave it behind. So, off we went to Wal-Mart on the way home. They had the Fisher Price doll and they even had two that came in a set as twins. Perfect. That very night the girls wanted to bring the baby dolls to the table to eat dinner with them, which I do not allow for many reasons, but my girls were adamant that they had to have their dolly's so we compromised by letting them bring the chairs from their children's table into the dining room so that the dolly's could sit next to them. So now I'm tripping over what seems like a million chairs in our already small dining room, but the girls are so cute with those baby dolls . . . feeding them bottles, sharing their food, shopping with them in their little play shopping cart . . . that it makes me remember that they are already growing up so fast and this too shall pass.
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
One thing I love about twins is that I am hardly ever awakened in the morning to the sound of a crying child. Usually I am awakened by some serious giggling! This morning when I entered the girls room to find the source of such laughter I was greeted by such a cute sight. Savannah had taken her pillow, blankie, teddy, and blanket over to Sydney's bed. She had set up her stuff just so at the foot of Sydney's bed and they were both laying there and playing footsies with each other giggling themselves silly. That is what makes life with twins so special, the little things, like those sweet giggles.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Today at the end of our shopping trip to Wal-Mart I let the girls get a little tube with those mini-m&m's. As soon as we got in the car for the 20 minute drive home they tore into them. Savannah has more of a sweet tooth than Sydney so she finished her's in about ten minutes and Sydney still had about half left. They are already really good about saying Thank You so I've been telling them to say please to each other when asking for something. So when Savannah looked over and saw that Sydney still had m&m's she started begging "Pleeease Sydney, Pleeease". It was so adorable. Now Sydney is a sweety and usually will share with her but today she said "No, I eating." The best part was that Savannah was asking really sweetly(not her usually bossy way) and Sydney answered so nice too, not NO!, but just a matter of fact "No, I eating". It is really fun to see them interact.
Phone Hounds
My little girls have become phone hounds. How did this happen when I myself don't particularly like talking on the phone? Hmmmm. Must be the grandparents. My parents currently live a 24 hour drive from us, so when I was pregnant with the twins they gave me a cell phone to use to talk to my mom. Since this time I have gotten my own cell phone, but kept the first one since it has free minutes between families. Anyway, the girls have figured out that if that phone rings it is always Nana. When they hear it ring they will say "Mommy's phone" and then I ask "Who is calling?" and they will answer "Nana". It is really too adorable. Lately though anytime Joey or I are on any phone (be both have our own cell phones, plus the home phone, plus I have the Nana phone) they want to talk. One of them will start out saying "I talk" over and over again and before long it becomes a chant with both of them singing "I talk, I talk, I talk . . ." over and over again. That is the thing about twins, everything ends up in stereo!
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
First Blog
Ah! My first blog. I figure if my husband can do it, then I can too. I'm going to primarily use my blog to chronicle the lives of my twin daughters . . . but then again you never know what I might want to include so we will just see how it goes.
Terrible Two's
I've never really bought into the whole terrible two's theory myself, however, lately I have begun to question my thinking. My girls are now 2 years 5 months and the last month has been trying my sanity. Savannah has started waking up in the middle of the night when she usually sleeps really well. She will wake up and then doesn't want me to leave the room and wants to go to bed with Joey & I. That has been a little trying, but at least it isn't every night. It only happens 2 or 3 nights a week. Along with this both the girls have started this whiney, clingy thing. This really annoys me! They are also really bossy all of the sudden, even with me. This I find minorly annoying and actually find it rather funny most of the time.
But enough about the bad stuff, there is a lot of good stuff too. Like how cute they are when they are being little mothers with each other or their teddy bears. They have to cover their teddy bears up and give them a pillow and turn off the lights so they can go night night. There is more but I guess it will have to wait because right now they are demanding my attention.
But enough about the bad stuff, there is a lot of good stuff too. Like how cute they are when they are being little mothers with each other or their teddy bears. They have to cover their teddy bears up and give them a pillow and turn off the lights so they can go night night. There is more but I guess it will have to wait because right now they are demanding my attention.
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