Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Phone Hounds

My little girls have become phone hounds. How did this happen when I myself don't particularly like talking on the phone? Hmmmm. Must be the grandparents. My parents currently live a 24 hour drive from us, so when I was pregnant with the twins they gave me a cell phone to use to talk to my mom. Since this time I have gotten my own cell phone, but kept the first one since it has free minutes between families. Anyway, the girls have figured out that if that phone rings it is always Nana. When they hear it ring they will say "Mommy's phone" and then I ask "Who is calling?" and they will answer "Nana". It is really too adorable. Lately though anytime Joey or I are on any phone (be both have our own cell phones, plus the home phone, plus I have the Nana phone) they want to talk. One of them will start out saying "I talk" over and over again and before long it becomes a chant with both of them singing "I talk, I talk, I talk . . ." over and over again. That is the thing about twins, everything ends up in stereo!

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