Sunday, July 13, 2008

DVR Divas

Watch out! The girls have learned how to operate the DVR.

I guess I should go into a little back story. A few weeks ago at bedtime I discovered that we had run out of pull-ups for Sydney. As you may recall, Savannah started wearing her panties to bed a few months ago and has been doing very well, however, Sydney hadn't even been really trying. So, when we ran out of pull-ups I told Sydney that we were just going to try sleeping in panties. She did okay the first 2 nights, but on the third she had an accident.

Now I think part of the reason that she doesn't go to the potty at night is that she is just too lazy and since she is on the top bunk I haven't pushed it. Then Hubby says that another possible reason is that she doesn't want to miss part of whatever movie they are watching so maybe we should show them how to pause the movie when they want to go to the potty. So I showed them which button was the pause and which was the play. Of course, that night they had to try it out so they each "had to potty" like 10 times in the first hour after they were in bed. She has still had a few accidents so now we have taken to waking her up to potty when we go to bed and that seems to be helping. I still think she is being lazy though.

They are smart little cookies though because the other day they realized that they now knew how to pause and play the TV in the living room (which is the only one with DVR). We were having a lazy day and they were watching Sprout (PBS). Well one had to potty and the other wanted a snack so they paused their show. About that time hubby came in and was putting his stuff away and saw them go back into the living room and start up their show again on their own. He comes into the kitchen amazed and says "They know how to work the DVR now?" "Evidently," I replied.

Now nothing can stop them. I am already dreading the day they learn to read the channel listings because right now I can lie to them and say a show isn't on but soon those days will be over. Then I'll just have to be a mean mom who says "Enough TV" instead of a nice mom who lies and says "There isn't anything you like on right now."

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