Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Phone Chatter

Once again we went up to the school one night this week for some little thing they had going on. They were selling pizza for a dollar a slice and then there was a PTA meeting and a 5th grade program. Now last time they did this they ran out of pizza really quickly so I was glad for hubby's obsessive timeliness. I figured that they might do the same thing this time, so I wanted to get there on time, however, there was to be an hour between when they started selling pizza and the meeting and I knew the girls would get bored. I am a big advocate of being prepared. It might just be the fact that I had twins, or it might just be my personality but whatever. There is rarely a time that we all leave the house without a drink, a snack, a toy, and usually a sweater or something for the girls.

On this night I had them put a few things in a little purse they could carry. They took a little notepad, some new mini pens their nana gave them and a play phone that beeps and rings. They drew pictures in their notepads after they ate and then on the walk home they pretended to talk on the phone with various people. It was hilarious to hear the phone conversations of two five year olds who sounded like they were about 13. Here are a few samples of conversations:

Savannah: "Hi Kerieana. Yes, I am going to see High School Musical 3. Well I am going with my sister. You too? Oh that is great! Did you see the 5th graders? That was cool huh?" ("mom, what is another word for bright? not shiny. Like the moon. Oh luminescent.) "Keriana, the moon is really lumnescent tonight."

Sydney: "Jimal? How are you? I am walking home now. You didn't get to go? Your sister is sick? Too bad, it was really cool. You should see the moon, it is really lumessy tonight."

This went on for the entire 4 or 5 block walk home. I'm very afraid for the teen years already.

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