Saturday, January 10, 2009

Where's Pappa?

"Where's Pappa?" the girls screamed from their seats in the van and promptly burst into tears.

See, Nana (aka my mom) had come to visit us a week ago and then flew down to Orlando to spend time with my dad, who was working, on their anniversary. Then they were both supposed to fly back here for a little less than a week to spend time with the girls. Since Nana had already been here they were really looking forward to seeing Pappa (aka my dad). So what happened you may ask?

Well, evidently the day before they were supposed to leave Orlando something happened at my dad's work and he decided to stay there and come a few days later. Well nobody bothered to inform me of this fact. Because if they had I could have at least warned the girls that he was coming later and maybe, just maybe they wouldn't have burst into tears when they realised he wasn't there and we could have avoided hurting my mom's feelings. Okay, in my mom's defense she had come down with a horrible cold the day before. Frankly I am seriously surprised that she made it off the plane, managed to pick up her luggage, and stumbled to the curb to meet us in her condition.

However, I still think this was a major thing to slip her mind.

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