Sunday, October 24, 2010

Savannah's Big Imagination

I've been helping out in the girls classroom this past week so that the teacher can do some testing. It is actually pretty fun to meet the kids and work with them and my girls get a kick out of seeing me there. Their teacher has been doing some reading tests. she pulled me aside after Savannah's to tell me how she did. Basically part of what they do is they have the kids read the first few pages and then stop and ask them to predict what they think will happen int he story. Savannah's story started out about a bunny rabbit who finds a giant head of cabbage. When the teacher asks most kids to predict what will happen they say "the rabbit will eat the cabbage and be happy" which is pretty much what they are looking for just to see that they understand what they are reading. Well Savannah took it to a whole other level. She said "A bad rabbit is going to steal the cabbage and the bunny will be upset and cry. Then he will go to the mall and win $7,000 so that he can buy cabbage lunch for all the woodland animals. Then they will all cheer for him and have a parade in his honor." The teachers eyes were wide and she told me she had never had a child tell her a story with that much detail and imagination. When Savannah read what actually happened in the book she came back to the teacher and told her "That story didn't go anything like I thought it would!" We both had a good chuckle at that one.

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