Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I'm not bad!

I don't think I ever mentioned this before but when the girls first started talking in sentences Sydney's most used phrase was "I'm not bad!" I don't really think I said she was "bad" or being bad but a few times but she just picked up on it. So it got to the point that she would just say "I'm not bad" as soon as you started scolding her even if you didn't say bad. Because she was saying this so often I really made an effort not to say "bad" so I started saying "That's not appropriate" when they did anything wrong. So as you can imagine, with 2 girls who are 2 1/2 I say "that's not appropriate" quite a bit. The other night we were over at a friends house hanging out and Joey was teasing the girls and Savannah told him "That's not appropriate". It was hilarious! Out of the mouths of babes.

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