Wednesday, July 06, 2005

The Dangers of "Annie"

I recently purchased the movie Annie for my girls. I remember loving this movie as a kid and I knew there was a lot of singing and dancing in it, which they love. As expected they love it and want to watch it all the time. They have even started singing some of the songs on their own, like in the back of the van when we are driving somewhere. The other day though I discovered a down side to Annie. My girls have started telling each other to "Shut Up". Now this is not something I say ever (not because I'm super mom and don't ever yell or anything, just because it's not something I really have to say . . . yet.) So I'm racking my brain about where they could of picked this up when I realize it was Annie. It really is a sweet and cute movie and I love Carol Burnett playing the drunken Ms. Haddigan who oversees the orphanage, however, she does yell at the kids several times in the movie to "Shut Up" and this is where my girls picked it up. So now I'm having the discussion about not being ugly to each other but frankly there are a lot worse things they could have picked up so oh well. We will continue to watch Annie.

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