Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Baby Doll Names

We bought that DVD "The Jungle Book 2". The girls have been watching it as often as I will let them. I have almost never seen them watch a cartoon this much that does not include some type of princess or fairy. I'm glad to see them broadening their horizons. They seem to go through these phases. Like they will watch one movie non-stop for a week, then not touch it for a month, then watch it non-stop for another week. They do this with their toys too. Two weeks ago they played with their Barbie's for 3 days straight practically non-stop. They haven't touched them since.

This week seems to be the baby dolls. They each have a Cabbage Patch doll and then they each have one of those little twin dolls that come in a set. Since they have so many they pretend they have an orphanage. All of the dolls and their assorted clothes are scattered around the house now. The two main doll characters are going by the names of Shanti and Mowgli in honor of the Jungle Book 2 movie this week and they tend to break out in songs from the movie from time to time. Gotta love it.

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