Monday, June 16, 2008

Missing Toddler Simplicity

I was watching a TV program where the main mom character who has a teen and a tween made this comment: "I miss the simplicity of toddler hood". It got me thinking that I kind of missed it too. Most days now I feel like I am happy to be in this stage of Pre-school/soon to be starting Kindergarten. But I also see that I always tend to think things will be better when . . . fill in the blank.

Things will be better when: they start school, they are both potty trained through the night, my husband finishes this next deployment, my darn toe heals, etc., etc.

And it seems that this has been an ongoing thing. When they are born you think, things will be better when they sleep through the night, then when that happens you think, things will be better when they start eating real food. Then when that happens you think, things will be better when they can walk, then talk, then communicate better, then on and on until one day they are going to be moving out and I'll be remembering when. . . Remembering when they were so cute as little babies, when they couldn't run around making mess after mess, when they couldn't tell me NO. Even now I find myself already telling new twin mom's in my support group to enjoy this time while they are young because while certain things get easier certain other things get harder. Which means there is no "perfect" age.

I am not usually one to get caught up and sorrowful about how fast they are growing up because I am usually just trying to get through today but sometimes it is a good thing to sort of stop and smell the roses. Because I am already looking ahead and it is scary. Today we went shopping and my girls love to shop. Right now they are good about me saying "no we aren't going to buy that today" but I can see the future. Me with two teenagers, the pouting, the rolling eyes, the begging, the serious shopping.


Tougher times are coming, and I need to enjoy this time while I can.

I'm really gonna try.

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