Monday, May 26, 2008

Congrats Savannah

Woo-Hoo! Savannah is officially pull-up free. She has been wearing regular panties to bed and stayed dry this whole week. I am, of course, very excited. Both of the girls have been day trained for about a year and a half, but were still wearing pull ups to bed (maybe this had a lot to do with mommy being lazy and not wanting to wash and change sheets in the middle of the night). I pretty much figured it wouldn't bother me if they wore pull ups to bed forever, but last week Savannah woke up dry 5 days in a row so I told her she could wear her panties to bed and try it out and here we are. Now Sydney is going to take a little more work because she is on the top bunk and I think for her it is more about laziness than anything else. I don't even care, I am on the home stretch now, only one kid in pull ups at night will make me incredibly happy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yippee! Your tee-tee free nights are just around the corner!